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This interview was conducted by "Nightcrawler", DJ at radio station KCFV, St. Louis, MO, U.S.A. / early AUGUST 1997

NC: You're listening to KCFV's Saturday Night Overdrive and we have with us the lead singer/guitarist for the up and coming local band, POWERS COURT, Danie Powers. Danie, let's find out a little more about the band. The name, POWERS COURT, is there some special significance in that name?

Danie: POWERS COURT is the name of a castle in Ireland that my ancestors supposedly were from. Steve, the bass player, came up with that name. He figured that no one else would come up with that name. A lot of bands must get going only to realize that there's already a band by the same name. We wanted to avoid that.

NC: So I take it you're of Irish ancestry?

Danie: Irish and Swedish, so Celtic/Viking essentially. Steve is Irish/Italian if that's of any importance to the listeners. It does all kind of fit into the scheme of things.

NC: Your latest release simply titled, POWERS COURT, the artwork is bold, almost tribal in nature. I see where you designed the logo and did the layout, any hidden meanings here?

Danie: The graphics were taken from the Book of Kells which is a lavishly decorated series of gospel manuscripts produced between the 7th and 9th centuries. The lettering in the logo itself are actual letters from the 15th century that I mani pulated a bit, added a couple of extra touches to the P & C. I'm very intrigued by the Medieval period of history.

NC: Your songs seem to reflect a gothic nature as well. The acoustic intro to the song, "Dying Embers" has an almost madrigal quality to it. Are some of the songs pre-planned in that respect? You know, in keeping with the Gothic Power Metal theme?

Danie: I don't "pre-plan" songs. Either the tune or the lyrics come to me first and I work out the minor details. To plan out a song is to make something that is not truly art, but something that is manipulated and cold. I write from my heart and soul. Some songs are personal experiences, some are like past life flashbacks, some are influenced by classic literature. I don't sit down and say, "I think I'll write a Pantera song because that's what's in right now". That is so lacking in integrity. Generally, I get a mini- movie in my head of the action taking place in the song. It's almost as if the song is channelled to me sometimes.

NC: What do you mean channelled to you? Could you be more specific?

Danie: Sometimes the lyrics and tune just start nagging me to be written. I'll sit down and the whole song just unfolds in minutes. Other times the tune will keep coming into my head over and over just begging to be composed. The visual process I described comes into play and wa-lah. It's quite a rush. I really enjoy songwriting.

NC: I see you're a three piece band. Can you tell us who does what?

Danie: I'm the singer/songwriter and sole guitarist for the band. Steve Murray plays bass and taurus bass pedals. He also engineered and co-produced the CD. I had a few suggestions regarding production, but the fabulous sound that we achieved is due to Steve's brilliance in this area. He's very much the perfectionist and wanted to capture the true essence of our band.

We had a session drummer, Rick Kramer, on the disc.

NC: What happened with him?

Danie: Rick had a lot of different musical interests. He played in like 3 other bands besides doing the disc for us. He mainly wanted to expand his musical horizons by trying his hand at our music. He was really great, but as a bandmate, our objectives were just really different. We understood that from the beginning.

NC: What are your goals with the music?

Danie: I would really like our music to be the drug that people run to when they're lonely, depressed or bummed out at how the world is treating them. I want them to use us as their escape as well as when they're deliriously happy and sharing a special moment with someone. I'd like to help them create happy memories. I'd like to be a part of their daily lives like other groups have done for me, got me through good times and bad.

NC: What are some of the groups that you've listened to?

Danie: Well, although I sound little like them, Led Zeppelin was a big escape for me growing up. Their fantasy type songs like, Kashmir, Battle of Evermore, No Quarter and Immigrant Song. Any and all King Diamond and Mercyful Fate I listened to over and over.

NC: How about the rest of the band, their influences?

Danie: Well...King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Testament, Old Iron Maiden, Dream Theater, Savatage are bands we both have in common. Steve likes Death, Obituary, Fight, Racer X, Megadeth, Pantera. I also like Slayer, Old Rigor Mortis, Yngwie, Iced Earth, Skyclad. We have many influences in common and those that we don't we try to turn each other on to.

NC: What are your current plans?

Danie: Right now I'm working on the artwork for the next disc, I have about 6 songs written that we're getting tight on going on the next one. We have a gig coming up this month in Dallas, TX. It's the Harder Beat Showcase Anniversary Show. We're looking for- ward to that.

NC: Well, I wish you guys a lot of luck.

Danie: Thanks, we really appreciate that.

NC: You've gotten some great reviews. I see that Wayne Klinger from BALLBUSTER INTERNATIONAL ZINE says, "You're a distinctive style of Gothic/Power/Progressive metal with very good vocals". What is the extent of your range?

Danie: Four and a half octaves.

NC: Folks, believe me, every one is utilized to the max!

Danie: (laughs) I like each song to sound different. I think vocalists that sound the same on each song tend to get very boring.

NC: Well, you certainly have escaped the boring factor on this disc!

Danie: Thanks.

NC: Nice use of effects also, very subtle and different.

Well, we're going to get into a couple of tracks from the new POWERS COURT now. Lord of Winds and Breezes and Dying Embers. We're going to be playing several cuts off the new disc, so be sure to stay tuned! If you're interested in acquiring this fine work of art for your collection, the disc is available at the following locations, RED HOT COMICS in St. Charles,... That's unusual, why a comic shop?

Danie: I'm a rabid CHAOS!COMICS fan and we were listed in their "Bands To Get Chaotic With" column in Evil Ernie, Straight to Hell #5, the current issue. It just made sense since they've inspired me so much to make it readily available to my fellow Chaos! junkies!

NC: Hmmm...makes sense...also available at DISC CONNECTION on Manchester, all three CD-RECORD REUNION locations and all eight BLOCKBUSTER MUSIC locations.

Well Danie, thanks for stopping by and giving us some insight into POWERS COURT, I wish you and your band all the luck and success in the world.

Danie: Thanks a lot Nightcrawler, thank you for having me as a guest, it's been my absolute pleasure.

NC: People, I'm telling you...get this disc! It's the freshest, most original music to come across my desk in the past three years! Stay tuned, we'll be doing some POWERS COURT give-aways within the next couple of hours...but right now...here is...Lord of Winds and Breezes by POWERS COURT.

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Band photos, music, lyrics, poetry, fiction and ALL graphics (unless indicated)
are copyright © 1996-1997 Danie Powers-POWERS COURT, All Rights Reserved.